Saturday, August 18, 2007

Total blog cattiness

OK, this is completely unnecessary cattiness, but I just stopped by a blog I rarely visit any more, though it was among the first blogs I discovered. Back when I discovered it, it was mostly an emergent church blog. Then the blogger went offline for a while and came back with an all-new blog. The reason I rarely visit is that I just don't find it interesting any more. Now here's the catty part. This particular blogger takes lots of photos and posts them. Of herself. Herself alone. Herself and her hubby. Herself and her kids. Herself and her friends. Rarely of those people by themselves. No, with her. So, her face is almost always at the top of her blog and I don't mean in one of those cute little side photos. Now, I once put a photo of my face on my blog, but almost immediately regretted it (I didn't take it down for historical purposes -- it was my first post ever). And I love it when my blog buds put up the occasional special event photo where they are included.

But this constant self-photo thing. Is it just me or is that a little weird?

(p.s. Yes, I will get back to worship theme eventually ...)


pj said...


No, you're right. It is weird. "Look at me!" "Tell me I look great!" "Stalk me!"

Hey, I'm taking off for Cape Cod tomorrow morning. I actually dread the amount of blog stuff I'll have to catch up with when I get back. It's like a whole extra life! Have a good week, LJ. :)

Diane M. Roth said...

yes. I have posted pictures of me, but not me lately. Mostly, me when baby, junior high weird hair, etc.

mostly, I post pictures of my dog.

Diane M. Roth said...

just a question: how can she take pictures of herself?

lauraj said...

Diane, I read your blog and your rare and adorable pictures of yourself are the good kind I mentioned. And, of course, you could put up a picture of Scout every day and nobody would complain.

Well, maybe some of the photos are taken by others, but most have that, "I'm holding this camera in front of me -- are we in the picture?" look to them. Very close up. Lots and lots of close-ups of her face. Regularly. Daily, almost.

Carol Howard Merritt said...

Aside from the vanity blogs, my favorite blogs are the ones with the really grandiose taglines, like "Creating a Post-Modern World" or "History in the Making." Tee hee hee. I think some people just might be taking themselves a tad bit too seriously....

Carol Howard Merritt said...

Hey! I just noticed my vanity avatar! Ha ha ha!

lauraj said...

TC, I have no problem with avatars. They're so little and unobtrusive! And yeah, I love those titles. I worried that my title might sound like I think I'm some "Wild and precious" gal ... which is not the point I am trying to convey.

I guess the whole blogging enterprise is wrought with vanity, eh?

Carol Howard Merritt said...

"Wild and precious" is fabulous!

I had to laugh, because every time I'm catty, it ends up biting me in the ass!

Diane M. Roth said...

yes, the blogging enterprise is wrought with vanity. Or is it fraught? (Or both?)

lauraj said...

Fraught, yes! (maybe wrought?) I love how the quickness of sending comments can catch so many of my little malaprops ... humbles the vanity of blogging!

Diane M. Roth said...

I think fraught and wrought are very common. I really got in trouble with a fellow seminarian when I suggested that she meant "fraught" instead of "wrought" in a paper. I probably do it all the time.

June Butler said...

LJ, I have my picture up, and have you noticed that I look exactly like Jane Austen?

"Fraught" means full. I think that's what you wanted, Diane.

"Wrought" means done, brought about.

There. Proper word use lesson over. Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Diane M. Roth said...

thanks. nice to have the clarity. I was PRETTY sure...

Diane M. Roth said...

oh, I think my fellow student said that something was "wrought with meaning." and I said "fraught?" and she got mad.

lauraj said...

Well, I'm happy to be corrected. Having grown up with two English majors, this was commonplace in my home and I have carried on the tradition, though my ex-hubby never found it to be one of my more charming characteristics. I'm not sure why ...

Mimi, have you seen "Becoming Jane"? My mom and I saw it Friday and it's delightful, even if not fully true.