In addition to celebrating the independence of our nation this week, two other events occurred in my life with liberating effect.
Monday, June 30 was the last day that the former director of the center where I am now the current director was officially on the payroll. Of course, she is still calling to tell me what to do, but it really has very little impact on me these days. (Really, she called this week to suggest several things I ought to be doing during my vacation. No kidding.)
Wednesday, July 2, my ex and I went to court and are now officially divorced. There was a brief moment of breathless sadness and then ... relief. I am proud of how well the two of us handled this ending, sans lawyers or mediators or anyone else. We went through the whole process together, from separation agreement to final stamp of legal approval, and now it is finished and we are still friends. Thanks be to God!
And now, I am off on a vacation with my young one. See you when I get back.
Have a splendid vacation with your young one, LJ. You deserve it. Hugs and @!!#$. :)
just can't believe it about your ex-boss (shaking head in disbelief).
Have a really really nice vacation.
Thanks, PJ.
But I feel compelled by my Calvinist roots to proclaim that one never deserves the grace one receives and yet, we receive it nonetheless by the sheer mercy of the One in whose image we are created.
Thanks, Diane. Comments crossing in cyber-space.
Affect? Effect? I'm sure there's a grammar police-person out there who can help me out. Also, capital/capitol. These are the two things that hang me up every time.
Now lie/lay I know and I must say, does nobody remember this simple rule any more?
LJ - you are my hero in many ways. Thanks be to God indeed.
Well LJ, I am decidedly not a Calvinist and when I say you deserve a vacation, I mean that you've been working really hard and putting up with much b.s.
Look, people in Western Europe expect four weeks of vacation every year, and for what? They already live in Europe, and they spend half the day drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. I'm just saying.
PJ, loving, loving, loving the new pic. Very cute.
Jan, thanks for the vote of confidence. It kind of cracks me up, given everything, but thanks anyway.
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