I've been tagged by Diane. I need to tell you 5 things I dig about Jesus and tag 5 people. The guy who started this meme is here.
1. Jesus loved a good meal. He ate with friends at their homes, in upper rooms, on the beach, at weddings, with sinners, with Pharisees. He was one eatin' fool. To remember him, he left us a meal.
2. Jesus cut through bullshit. He had no time for people who got testy about certain letters of the law while ignoring the large (spacious, generous) spirit of it.
3. Jesus liked kids. Was it their innocence? Their trust? Their sense of wonder? Their playfulness? Their lack of judgement? All of the above?
4. Jesus liked to sing. How do I know this, you ask? I just feel sure of it. It must be true because I want it to be true. (He probably danced well too. I'm just sayin', he weren't no white boy.)
5. Jesus healed. Bodies, minds, hearts, spirits, communities. Above all else, this is what he did.
OK, here's the thing about tags. Last week I tagged 8 people. I think 2 of them complied. I can't tag those people again and I don't know enough other bloggers. So if you are reading this and feeling left out, it isn't intentional and I would love it if you played along. I just don't feel I know you well enough to tag you, so anyone lurking here, consider yourself tagged. Tell me in the comments you're going to post on the subject and I'll happily come read what you say.
Great thoughts. It's not cliche to say there's no one like Jesus.
Look forward to reading more of your blog.
fair enough...thanks for the thoughts...
Hey, this is great! I agree with you that Jesus probably loved to sing and dance, because (a) most humans enjoy those activities, and (b) if you were God and decided to be human for a time, you'd definitely want to try that stuff out, because it's fun.
I bet Jesus had a better sense of humor than people give him credit for, too. After all, he was Jewish. ;)
PJ -- No doubt Jesus had a sense of humor. Back in my preachin' days I used to try to make this point most weeks. How else would he have put up with those poor fools who followed him around all the time?
I thought about tagging you to get the Jewish-Sufi perspective on Jesus, but I see you've been busy blogging about another guy you dig!
Yes; Bono might be made a Jufiscopalian saint at some point, despite his glaring personality problems. ;)
I think it is a requirement that all saints have glaring personality problems. Personally, I'm counting on it.
Okay - I'm not a memer, but love your answers. I'd never thought of Jesus dancing, but it's kind of a nice spiritual exercise to picture it.
Yeah, I'm seeing a smoky hookmah bar with some Stevie Wonder sizzling in the background.
Brilliant! I've just been tagged and I'm looking around for answers to steal :-)
Steal away, Ed (steal away home to Jesus).
And as for my last comment, that would be hookah, of course. Don't know where that stray m came from.
Oh my. Love your list. And "Funny" made my list, which you can find here. BTW, I also reffed you on the next post, which is about my own "R" rating. I'm just so proud.
yours in the struggle,
And another thing...
the "m" in your "hookmah" is clearly an absolutely brilliant punning reference to the Hebrew Hokhmah, or Wisdom, represented in the right-hand side of the second tier of the Sefirot.
My hat goes off to you, madam!
Max, great to have you here. And of course you are right. It was Wisdom I was thinking of! How brilliant you are to notice.
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